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5 Signs of Cocaine Addiction

man leaning on wall considers the signs of cocaine addiction

Cocaine is a highly addictive substance that can be difficult to recognize in its early stages. While addiction can manifest differently from person to person, there are five signs that are common among those suffering from cocaine addiction. Understanding the signs of cocaine addiction is critical for identifying and addressing the issue before it has a chance to progress further.

If you’re looking for an effective cocaine rehab in Lexington, Roaring Brook Recovery can help. Reach out to our team at 855.590.9944 or connect with us online today to learn more.

Understanding Cocaine Addiction

Cocaine addiction often begins with experimentation and recreational use. Over time, signs of dependence can begin to manifest in the form of cravings, difficulty reducing use, and withdrawal symptoms. As the addiction progresses, individuals may display signs of aggression, irritability, and depression.

Cocaine addiction treatment can make a difference. Treatment typically involves:

  • Individual counseling sessions
  • Group therapy sessions
  • Support groups
  • 12-step meetings
  • Case management

Common Signs of Cocaine Addiction

1. Compulsive Use

Compulsive use is one of the most common signs of cocaine addiction. This means that even if the individual recognizes the negative consequences associated with using cocaine, they continue using it due to an inability to stop. Compulsive use is caused by physical and psychological dependency on the drug, leading them to become reliant on it in order to function normally.

2. Tolerance Increase

As an individual’s body builds up a tolerance for cocaine, their dependence on it intensifies, and they require more frequent or larger doses of it in order to get the same effect as before. This leads them down a dangerous path as they try to chase their original high while risking overdose or other serious health-related issues.

3. Loss of Control

Another sign of cocaine addiction is loss of control over how much or how often an individual uses cocaine, along with a lack of ability to cut back on usage even if desired. Although this does not necessarily mean that every time an individual uses cocaine, it will result in binging. Feeling unable or unwilling to stop after taking cocaine indicates that there may be more at play than occasional recreational drug use.

4. Withdrawal Symptoms

When someone who has been using large amounts of cocaine suddenly stops doing so, they may experience withdrawal symptoms such as depression or anxiety, which can last up to several weeks following cessation. Withdrawal symptoms like these often compel individuals struggling with cocaine addiction back into using as they attempt to alleviate their discomfort caused by withdrawal symptoms.

5. Neglecting Responsibilities

Finally, when someone’s life has been taken over by their addiction, they may begin neglecting important responsibilities such as work obligations or familial duties in order prioritize finding and consuming more cocaine instead. If an individual becomes preoccupied with obtaining and using drugs at the expense of other areas in their life, it serves as a warning sign that something deeper might be going on than substance abuse alone.

Reach Out to Roaring Brook Recovery for Cocaine Addiction Treatment

Cocaine addiction can come with severe physical and mental health repercussions if left untreated for too long—which is why it’s so important for individuals struggling with this issue (or those close to them) recognize these five signs and get help immediately if needed through our specialized treatment program here at Roaring Brook Recovery Center. With our team’s expertise and guidance, we strive to make sure each participant receives the best possible care tailored specifically towards their needs so that they can begin building a fulfilling life free from addiction.

Contact our team at 855.590.9944 or connect with us online to learn more.