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Adjusting to Life After Rehab

A man thinking about life after rehab

Addiction is a treatable mental health disorder that affects millions of people each year throughout the country. Those who participate in addiction therapy learn the necessary skills for living a sober life after rehab through behavioral and holistic therapies. These proven therapeutic methods teach people healthy ways of coping with their symptoms and triggers, as well as other life skills that promote long-lasting sobriety.

Roaring Brook Recovery is an outpatient addiction treatment facility that works with Kentucky residents who are ready to build a sober lifestyle. In addition to our addiction treatment programs, we include sober living and aftercare support programs to help participants build a healthy and sober life. These programs greatly reduce the risk of relapse after rehab has ended and long into the future.

To see what our sober living programs can do for you or a loved one, call 855.590.9944 today to start a healing conversation.

Building a Sober Lifestyle

One of the best ways to create a sober lifestyle is by working with a professional therapist who has experience treating substance use disorders. At the start of the program, therapists will work to understand what started the addiction and begin to help participants learn to process those feelings or experiences. They use behavioral therapies to teach people how to recognize their triggers and the negative behaviors they create and replace them with healthier behaviors.

Addiction recovery also includes a number of holistic therapies to help participants create a sober lifestyle.

Some of these therapies include:

  • Cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT)
  • Dialectical behavior therapy (DBT)
  • Acceptance and commitment therapy (ACT)
  • Nutrition education
  • Animal-assisted therapy
  • Creative writing/self-expression
  • Yoga and exercise
  • Meditation
  • Mindfulness
  • Relationship counseling

At Roaring Brook, we understand the difficulties in maintaining sobriety after completing a rehab program. That’s why we include sober living programs and alumni programs to support participants’ life-long sober journey. We do everything we can to help you build personalized coping strategies and a stable support system that can be there on those difficult days.

Adjusting to Life After Rehab

A sober life after rehab is attainable with some hard work and a commitment to long-lasting sobriety. It can take some time to reach this goal, and that timeline depends on the length and severity of the addiction and the person’s willingness to change.

If you have recently completed a rehab program, here are a few steps you can take to help you adjust to life after rehab:

Daily Meditation and Exercise

One of the more important steps in maintaining sobriety is taking care of yourself physically and mentally. If you are sad, anxious, or bored, old triggers can reappear and push you to relapse. By starting a regular exercise program and practicing meditation on a regular basis, you can boost your chances of staying sober considerably.

Continue Working With a Therapist

Addiction is a lifelong illness where symptoms and triggers can reappear even years after your last drink or drug use. Continuing to work with a therapist and talk about your triumphs and struggles with addiction will make it easier to maintain your sobriety. Plus, continuing working with a therapist will greatly benefit your overall mental health and reduce the risk of depression or anxiety.

Peer Support

A sober life is possible when you have supportive friends in your corner. Your peers can become some of your biggest supporters after rehab and can be there when temptations and cravings reappear suddenly. Plus, having a group of sober friends makes it easier to build new hobbies and interests that support your sober lifestyle.


Another beneficial practice is writing about your experiences in a private journal or diary. It allows you to revisit any situation where you felt cravings return and what you did to stop them. This is an excellent way to better understand how your coping skills work to help you maintain your sobriety.

Roaring Brook Recovery: Join Our Sober Living Program Today

Life after rehab is attainable for anyone who has developed a substance use disorder and participates in an addiction rehab program. During the program, participants learn a number of healthy coping skills and rediscover the power within them to make real changes in their lives.

Roaring Brook Recovery in Lexington is open to adults who struggle with addiction and want help stopping the abuse and building a healthy lifestyle. We take a whole-person approach to treating addiction and include a mix of behavioral and holistic therapies with medical support in each treatment program.

If you need help maintaining your sobriety and building a healthy lifestyle free from drugs or alcohol, call 855.590.9944 today or use our online contact form to take that first step toward a better life.