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Physical Effects of Cocaine

man with head on arm considers the physical effects of cocaine

Cocaine has a reputation for being a party drug, a substance that people take when they want to have a good time. However, what many people don’t realize is that cocaine can cause serious physical health effects. Addiction is just one of the risks posed by taking this drug—even occasional or casual use can have a serious influence on physical health. Learning more about the physical effects of cocaine can help people make informed decisions when it comes to drug use.

For those who are struggling to overcome a cocaine addiction, Roaring Brook Recovery’s cocaine rehab in Lexington can help. Call 855.590.9944 today for a confidential discussion about your treatment options.

Short-Term Effects of Cocaine Use

Cocaine is popular at social events because it takes effect quickly, causing a rush of energy and alertness. However, the short-term effects of cocaine use can be dangerous and even deadly. Common physical side effects include:

  • Increased heart rate and blood pressure, which can lead to heart attack or stroke
  • Nausea and vomiting
  • Loss of appetite
  • Headache and confusion
  • Muscle twitches, tremors, and seizures
  • Insomnia, restlessness, or agitation

If someone takes too much cocaine, they can also experience paranoia, panic attacks, and hallucinations. Once the effects of cocaine wear off, the individual can experience a crash—a period of intense fatigue, depression, and agitation.

Long-Term Effects of Cocaine Use

The long-term effects of cocaine use are even more serious than the short-term ones. Heavy, sustained use can lead to addiction, which is both physical and psychological. Here are some of the physical health risks posed by cocaine addiction:

  • Weight loss, malnutrition, and dehydration
  • Damage to the respiratory system and coughing up blood
  • Damage to the nervous system, including hallucinations, confusion, and memory problems
  • Organ damage due to irregular heartbeat, elevated blood pressure, and anemia
  • Severe stomach pain and intestinal damage due to cocaine being cut with toxic substances

If cocaine use is not stopped, these effects can become permanent. Breaking a cocaine addiction is difficult but it is the only way to avoid these potentially life-threatening physical health risks.

What to Expect in Treatment for Cocaine Addiction

If someone is struggling with a cocaine addiction, it is important that they get help from experienced professionals. Professional treatment for cocaine addiction can provide the tools and support that an individual needs to successfully overcome their addiction.

One of the focuses of cocaine addiction treatment is identifying the triggers that cause the individual to use and finding healthier ways to cope with them. These triggers can include:

  • Stressful life situations
  • Social pressure or peer influence
  • Being in certain environments, places, or with certain people

Since many of these triggers are psychological, therapy is a key component of treatment for cocaine addiction. Lifestyle changes often need to be made as well, such as avoiding certain people or activities. Treatment may also include medication to reduce cravings and manage withdrawal symptoms.

Sustainable recovery is possible. If you’re concerned about your own use of cocaine or the use of someone close to you, a cocaine addiction treatment program can help prevent the physical effects of cocaine from becoming permanent.

Reach Out to Roaring Brooky Recovery Today

At Roaring Brook Recovery, we’re here to help you or your loved one find long-term freedom from cocaine addiction. Our specialized treatment team can provide the support and guidance you need for a successful recovery.

Participants in our cocaine rehab program in Lexington receive personalized treatment plans, evidence-based therapies, and holistic healing modalities. We also offer family therapy and aftercare services to help ensure lasting sobriety.

Don’t wait any longer—reach out to us today. Our admissions team is here to help you navigate your treatment options. Call 855.590.9944 to get started.